This Thanksgiving, as with every Thanksgiving, we like to take a long hard look at all the amazing things in our lives to be grateful for. And while it may be hard for some to find things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, we hope this list inspires you to appreciate even the smaller moments. So, what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Here is our take on a few ideas of our own for the holiday that you may or may not have thought about.

Oh hey! Did you know you could send beautiful birthday, thank you, and holiday cards in minutes? Postable prints, addresses, and mails em’ for you.
1. Good health
This typical item on any list of what to be thankful for has taken on a whole new meaning in the wake of our new reality. If you’re healthy and if your friends and family are healthy, that is definitely one of the best things to be thankful for.
2. Good friends
Quality over quantity. We are so thankful for those friends that have kept us sane… Especially in the last couple of years
[See: Birthday Surprise Ideas for Best Friends (even during quarantine)]
3. Peanut Butter
And Jelly. Yum.
4. Long weekends
Be thankful, maybe that’ll make them happen more often.
5. Pets
We’re partial to the pups of the world, but we see you cat people, too. If you have either one, you totally understand how pets are most definitely one of the most important things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving – and every day.
6. WFH snacks!
Working from home not only gives people flexibility in their personal lives… It gives them the gift of snacking from their personal pantries!
7. Cookies
Chocolate chip. Sugar cookies (especially the ones with the little drawings on top). Oatmeal raisin (yes, we said it). And then there’s snickerdoodle. Mmmm. Go have a cookie and you’ll remember why these little treats are things to be thankful for (especially at 3pm on a Friday).
8. And cupcakes
With a side of cookies.
9. Coloring books for adults
Apparently these things are great as stress relievers. Try it out next time life’s being a bit too extra and see if it makes the cut for what to bebe thankful for. Here’s a whole list of 21 different types to choose from.
10. Making the subway just before the door closes
Because if you [just] missed the train your day has effectively started going down hill.
11. Finding a seat on said subway train
That glorious unicorn.
12. Not setting an alarm on the weekend
Oh sweet sweet sleep! If there’s anything in this world to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, sleep should be at the top of the list… As it is here. There’s something particularly delicious about waking up without an alarm knowing your entire day is your own.

13. Hitting all the green lights all the way
If you’re not taking the subway, you’re likely located somewhere outside of NYC and scoring consistent green lights is like the equivalent to making it onto the train AND finding your seat all at once. The traffic gods shone their green lights upon you. Be grateful.
14. Hot sauce
You put it on everything because you prefer your food to leave your mouth feeling like the inside of your mom’s Thanksgiving oven. Hot hot hot. Next time you sprinkle the wondrous sauce on your breakfast, lunch, and dinner take a moment and add its existence (and perhaps the inventors) to your list when asking yourself what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving.
15. Having the exact change at the cashier
How budget savy do you feel when you’ve finally used up all of your pennies? Does anyone use cash anymore?
16. When someone opens the door for you when your hands are full
Seriously. Thank you.
17. Sunny winter days
After what feels like weeks of gray clouds and painfully cold temperatures, that blazing sun feels like a miracle! Definitely one of the things to be thankful for! At least until summer rolls around.
18. Puppies
Um. Because they’re pretty much the greatest.
19. Thank You notes
How much do you love opening those envelopes to find something other than a bill? We bet everyone else counts this among things to be thankful for, too… Why not write someone you know a thank you note for being awesome (right now).
20. Don’t have a puppy? Puppy videos
Next best thing. But ultimately, puppies (yes, again).
21. Your favorite show(s)
Thanks to all the streaming services, you can get a pretty good rotation going between a few.
22. Leslie Knope
You had a feeling it was coming after that last one. We just couldn’t not… what to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Leslie Knope.
23. The moment your food arrives at a restaurant
You literally couldn’t wait another second and there it was. Perfect.
24. A really comfy chair
Your bottom really appreciates it and you should, too.
25. Chocolate
Especially at 3pm on a weekday. Or any day any time.
26. Cozy scarves
The way they make you feel all cozy and safe and whatnot. So thankful for Thanksgiving-weather-approved cozy scarves.
27. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.
While you watch your 1000000th Gilmore Girls episode.
28. Gum
You know that moment when you really need some minty freshness. That’s the one.
29. Comfy clothes
See: Yoga Pants. What did we do before these were a thing?
30. An awesome roommate
Netflix and dinner mate for life. Or until you move out. You don’t know how awesome roommates are things to be thankful for until they’re gone.
31. An amazing boss
If you’re lucky to be thankful for this, maybe be thankful for it twice.
32. Being single
Because it is all that it’s cracked up to be and you [love] it.
33. Surprise parties
Your friends must [really] like you. If someone has thrown you an epic surprise party, that’s definitely something that lands on a “what are you thankful for” list.
34. A great pair of jeans
Because your butt never looked so good.
35. Friday nights
That feeling that you have two whole days of freedom.

36. Sunday Mornings
Because Sunday brunch is everything. You’ve never loved anything more than you love mimosas on a Sunday. Tell us we’re wrong.
37. Your parents
Because you literally wouldn’t be here without them. If there are any things to be thankful for, it’s them – so if you haven’t expressed your gratitude to your parents in a while… Don’t walk, run!
38. Wine
Can you even imagine a world with no wine?!
39. Netflix… or Hulu… or pick your poison
Netflix and Ben & Jerry’s is your choice of lifestyle. And you’re not sorry.
40. Nutella
On everything. Always and forever.
41. Parks
You didn’t actually know how much you wanted to be outdoors until you got there. But when you did, it was awesome.
42. The feeling you get after a long run (or great workout)
So. Many. Endorphins.
43. The first signs of a new season
That moment you realize pumpkin spice lattes are about to take over your life. And wallet.
44. Comfort food
When you consider Ben and Jerry as your BFFLs you should definitely be adding them to your “what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving” list.
45. Fun family traditions
They’re what make your family, yours.
46. Snow days
Like the ones that make you stay home, next to a fire (or the radiator) to stay cozy.
47. Smell of hot toddies
Because you know something wonderful is about to happen.
48. A good night’s rest
Assuming this isn’t a myth. If you grab one of these bad boys, be thankful!!
49. A perfectly ripe avocado
Why is this so hard to come by!? WHY?
50. A hot shower
This is one of those things we’re especially thankful for after a long day trudging through snowy streets.
51. Old school jams that bring you back
Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls…
52. A really good book
Thankful for Thanksgiving reading that you’ll never get sick of.
53. Bubble wrap
Should it feel this good to pop a bubble?
54. Handwritten snail mail
A full email inbox makes this that much more special.
Oh hey! Did you know you could send beautiful birthday, thank you, and holiday cards in minutes? Postable prints, addresses, and mails em’ for you.
55. A night in
With a bottle of wine and stove-popped popcorn? Yeah, that’s what to be thankful for for sure. #winning
56. Opportunity to get an education
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Let bestie know with some quality time.
57. Good hair days
And the awesome Instagram pics they produce. Those likes didn’t come easy.
58. Dishwashers
If you live in a pre-war apartment you’ll probably switch this with being thankful for crown molding!
59. Bestie time
There is no better time.
60. The local Farmer’s Market
Fresh veggies straight from the farm is quite a gem.
61. Pumpkin pie
Pumpkin everything actually.
62. Sweater weather
Thankful for Thanksgiving weather that gives us an excuse to cozy up in layers of cashmere.
63. Pillows
They’re so darn fluffy!
64. Pillow fights
If you’ve ever had the privilege to participate in a pillow fight, consider yourself grateful. So. Much. Fun.
65. The Internet
You have access to all the information all the time. But mostly thankful for ALL the puppy videos.
66. Pints of Ice cream
Cookie dough… chocolate chip… what were we talking about?
67. Having money
Even if it’s just a small handful of pennies. It’s something.
68. Chocolate
Can you imagine your day without it? (Yup, we had it twice. Nope not sorry)
69. Food delivery
For those nights you literally just can’t (or every night). Make sure to tip your courier. Show your gratitude with $$$.
70. Cocktails
All the cocktails.
71. Sweatpants
Are there any other types of pants?
72. Cheese
You really don’t [need] much else in life.
73. Baby giggles
Anything that makes you giggle as much as baby giggles deserves to be on your list of things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving!
74. Having a partner
If you’re one of the lucky ones to have someone by your side. Find some gratitude for them.
75. Fall colors
Unless you live in Florida.
76. S’mores
Pretty much the best part of a bonfire.
77. Campfires!
See: S’mores.
78. Bear hugs
So. Cozy. Also, just so we’re clear, we don’t mean hugs from a real bear.
79. Holiday sales
75% off everything? THANK YOU!
80. Pay day
See: Holiday Sales.
81. Your favorite blog
Has all the tutorials your heart could ever desire.
82. Sharing a smile with a stranger
Your faith in humanity is restored.
83. Electricity
It’s probably a good thing we weren’t born like hundreds of years ago.
84. Clean sheets
So. Silky.
85. Having a home
Any home.
86. FaceTime
Getting to see your family from thousands of miles away. Not something to take for granted.
87. Sunsets
On a beach preferably. But either way, never stops being one of those awe-inspiring things to be thankful for.
88. An upcoming meal
One you know is going to be ah-mazing.
89. Emojis
Because how else are you supposed to express yourself!?
90. Your co-workers
Especially those that make your day-to-day work so much more enjoyable.
91. Warm socks
Especially during a blizzard.
92. The sound of fresh snow crunching beneath your feet
Speaking of snow… Why is this so satisfying?
93. Rainbows
Especially after a torrential downpour.
94. Seat warmers
Game changers.
95. Impromptu dance parties
Pretty much the equivalent of eating ice cream.
96. Happy Hour
Refer to the name… [Happy] hour.
97. That one (or two or three..) teacher.
Seriously, they probably changed your life for the best. For sure, that should be top of mind when you’re thinking about what are you thankful for.
98. #tbt
A chance to relive the glory days? Yes please.
99. The barista that knows your order before you even ask
There’ll only be a few people in your life this attentive. Be grateful.
100. Thanksgiving leftovers
The best part of Thanksgiving, right? Turkey sandwich anyone?
101. Finding money in your pocket
It’s kind of like winning the lottery.
102. Portable cell phone chargers
When you really need one, this feels like one of the biggest things to be grateful for.
103. Free shipping
That means you can buy all the extra accessories, right?
104. Life long friends
What in the world would you do without them?