Friendship card messages along with card designs that really speak to the nature of your friendships is the perfect little surprise that will show your friends just how special you think they are. Nice things to write in a card for a friend aren’t always at the tip of our tongues so maybe you’re looking for some inspiration. Luckily, here at Postable we’re experts on writing just about every greeting card imaginable. In this post, you’ll find everything you’ll need to write the perfect friendship card message that not only matches who you are as an individual, but will also be the perfect reflection of your unique friendship.

Nobody said you needed an occasion to share some love with your friends. Go ahead and let them know you care just because it’s Tuesday (or Wednesday… or whatever day it happens to be). But instead of having your thoughtful message get drowned out by the slew of text messages they’re receiving throughout the day, why not send them a friendship card via snail mail that will really catch them off guard and surprise them? Just because. No occasion. No holiday. No reason whatsoever — other than you wanting to show them just how much you care. Now THAT’S friendship.

What should you write in a friendship card?
Knowing the right thing to say in a friendship card may not come naturally at first. After all, it’s not like you’re wishing your friend a happy birthday or any other particular holiday. The point of sending friendship cards is to surprise your friends with a little something special completely out of the blue in order to make their day.
Send a delightful friendship card in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail it for you.
So, what can you write on a card to brighten someone’s day?
Oh so many things! You can compliment your friend on something totally random or something really specific that’s relevant to their lives at that moment (ex. “way to be the smartest person I know and Acing that chem test!”). You can simply just say hi and let em’ know you’re thinking about them. You can write a joke that you know they’ll find particularly humorous. There are so many things you can write on a card to brighten their day. That’s why we’ve listed a few specific sections below with plenty of examples you can write in your own friendship card.
We’ve also included some of our favorite friendship card designs we can’t get enough of at the very end for your viewing (and sending) pleasure.
Turn your friendship card into a listicle!
All great things come in listicles, right? Well, why not create a fun list for your friendship card message and don’t be afraid to get really wacky with it.
- Top 5 times we laughed so hard booze came out of our nostrils
- Three favorite meals we’ve shared together
- Top 10 best qualities about you
- Ten reasons you’re the Amy to my Tina
- Seven favorite nicknames I’ve had for you over the years
- Three of our most memorable adventures together

- Top 5 reasons I know we’re bound to grow old together
- Seven qualities that make you a boss bitch
- Your top 3 Leslie Knope moments
- Three things I think you should know
- Ten reasons I think you’d make a great president
- Five reasons I think you’d make a stellar cheesemonger
- Ten things that make you a dynamite human being
- Five things I wish we could do together right now
- Seven places we *need to go to, like yesterday!
- Four times you showed me what a great friend looks like
Give em’ a compliment AND an example of that quality
Compliments are a nice thing to write in your friendship card. It’s also an easy go-to when you’re blanking on what else to write. Simply think of some qualities your friend exhibits –especially those that you admire most– and use them to write your friendship card message.

Go ahead, channel your inner Leslie Knope.
Some good qualities your friend might have:
- Funny
- Loyal
- Trustworthy
- Cool
- Reliable
- Strong
- Ambitious
- Creative
- Badass
- Spontaneous
- Adventurous
- Wise
- Insightful
- Thoughtful

Examples of nice ways to compliment your friend
Here, you’ll find examples of how you can weave the nice qualities you’ve thought of into a couple of sentences. Remember, it’s one thing to tell your friends they are loyal and thoughtful, but it’s another to tell them why. Think of an example of how they exhibit the complimented quality.
Send a delightful friendship card in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail it for you.
- Your strength during this time of upheaval has been such an inspiration. I don’t know how you always manage to stay positive no matter the circumstances.
- You are such a badass for taking time for yourself and traveling. I know how much courage that first step took.
- How do I get some of your bad-bitch boss vibes? Your drive, leadership and sheer willpower to get your business running has been so fun to see.
- Your spontaneity brings so much joy to everyone around you (myself included). Your last minute picnic idea on Saturday was brilliant and I’m not at all surprised at just how much fun everyone had.
- Your unrelenting support is so appreciated. I know I can always count on you to listen when I need to talk.

Use your friendship card messages to express your gratitude for them
Compliments are often best paired with a bit of gratitude. Is your friend extremely loyal? That’s certainly something to be thankful for so why not tell them so. At the same time, it’s also always nice to hear that someone is simply grateful for your existence in their life. So whether you pair your compliment with a thank you or let the gratitude speak for itself, a nice thing to write in a card for a friend is a simple thank you.
- I am so thankful to call you my friend.
- I can’t believe how lucky I am to have your friendship.
- I thank my lucky stars for your presence in my life.
- Of the many things I’m grateful for, you are at the top of my list.
- I consider myself insanely lucky to have you in my life.
- Thanks for being a friend.
Include a friendship quote!
A classic addition to any greeting card is a quote by someone who has already put into words what your heart wants to say. Why reinvent the wheel when it’s already been done? Add any one of these quotes into your friendship card messages either as a stand alone thought or as the icing on your personal sentiment.
- I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light. – Helen Keller
- What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it. – C.S. Lewis
- Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. – Eleanor Roosevelt
- I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen – Winnie The Pooh
- I get by with a little help from my friends. – The Beatles
- The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. – Hubert H. Humphrey
- Life is nothing without friendship. – Cicero
- We were together. I forget the rest. – Walt Whitman
- Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. – Henry David Thoreau
Send a delightful friendship card in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail it for you.
Other nice things to write in a card to for a friend
If you’re looking for more ideas on what to write in your friendship card messages, don’t worry… We’ve got plenty more where that came from. You also don’t have to choose just one thing to write. Combining a compliment with any one of the following would make for a lovely message.
However, a word of advice: don’t write a novel. A greeting card has limited space and for good reason. You want your card to brighten your friend’s day with a short and sweet message.
Reminisce on a special memory
A lovely way to brighten their day is to remind your friend of that one time the two of you shared a special moment or day together. Don’t go into too much detail, but do highlight a specific moment or two.
Tell an inside joke
There’s nothing quite like sharing a joke just between the two of you. Give them a little giggle with your friendship card by reminding them of the joke.
Make plans to see each other
If you haven’t seen your friend in a while – for any reason – you can use your friendship card message to start making plans to see each other. Of course you’ll need to follow up using some other form of communication (as much as we adore snail mail we’re sure glad we don’t have to *rely on it).

Offer your assistance during a time of need
If you know your friend is going through something difficult, use your friendship card message to offer your assistance. Even if it’s not something traditionally considered as a ‘time of need,’ if you think your friend could use some extra help, offer it. Whether that means offering to bring them some food if they don’t have the time to make it themselves, or to watch the kids for an evening or anything else that might be relevant to their specific situation, that’s what friends are for.
“I can watch the kids any weekday evening. Please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Offer your support for one of their endeavors
In that same line of thought, if your friends are putting a great deal of effort into making something happen and you think you can help, why not offer to do so? Oftentimes that just means supporting them with your spirit, but sometimes that may mean some other form of help. Sometimes just offering to help is supportive in and of itself.
“I’m here for you.”

Share some words of empowerment in your friendship card messages
Another nice thing to write in a card for a friend is a word of empowerment. Go ahead and lift each other up. That’s definitely what friends are for.
“I’m so proud of all that you’ve accomplished this year.”
Tell them what you’d do for them, but make it silly…
If you want to let your friends know how much they mean to you, but do it in a silly manner, think of funny things you’d do for them. This Katie Pea Studio friendship card is the perfect example. Tell them you’d share your snacks with them.

8 Friendship cards you can send right now (like, literally right now)
Hopefully you’re full of great ideas on nice things to write in a card for a friend. Now, let’s take a gander at some of our favorite friendship card designs from the Postable collection.
And remember… You can write your friendship card message right on your phone or computer and Postable will print, address and mail the card directly to your friends for you!
1. I’ll always be there for you by Grey Street Paper
Is your friend an Obama fan? They’ll certainly get a kick out of this supportive card. Match the design and write something supportive on the inside.

2. Friends Till the End by There Will Be Cake
We’ve said it before (like a million times) and we’ll say it again… You don’t need a holiday or special occasion to send a friendship card. Just send a card like this to your friend randomly and brighten their day.

3. I love the USPS by Near Modern Disaster
With this card you’ll be making their day AND showing your support for the USPS. Double win!

4. All the Brownies by E. Frances Paper
Remember how we said you could use your friendship card messages to start making plans to see your friend? This ridiculously delightful design does just that.

5. Adult Friends by Near Modern Disaster
Go ahead, celebrate your near-impossible friendship.

6. A Better World by Meera Lee Patel
This card is perfect for uplifting your friends especially when they’re knee deep in the work that makes it difficult for them to see just how much good they’re doing.

7. Organic vegetable friendship by Clap Clap
Hopefully all of your friendships are organic — unless your bestie is some kind of robot. But this delightfully weird friendship card will bring a smile to someone you know. Perhaps that friend of yours that’s always in their garden.

8. Magical Mermaid by Elizabeth Grubaugh
This is sort of what we meant by channeling your inner Leslie Knope. If your friendship card messages are going to lean on the compliments, why not start them off on the front of the card?

Send a delightful friendship card in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail it for you.