24 Fun Birthday Ideas for Adults

You’ve successfully (you could say) made another run around the sun as a full grown adult. Congrats! This truly is a big feat these days. Your birthday is coming up and you’re itching for a special celebration. As you should. Birthdays should always be special… And certainly not just for children. Adulting is hard (like really hard) so make your adult birthday extra special! Whether you’re planning on throwing a major birthday bash (if the state of the world ever allows us such privileges) with all of your adult-y friends or just a classy small dinner party, we got you covered with 24 snazzy adult birthday party ideas.

Who says being an adult is no fun? Bring on the pizza and giant mojitos!

The best part about throwing a birthday party as an adult? You get to make all the decisions. And while we’re constantly bombarded to make hard life choices on a daily basis, there is definitely an upside to this responsibility. It’s your birthday! You want a giant chocolate cake shaped like your favorite movie character? Do it. You want everyone to show up wearing only yellow? Do it. The sky is your limit (that and your wallet). Go ahead, have fun making decisions for once!

Send your birthday invitations to guests in minutes. Postable will print, address, and mail them all for you.

Use code SNAZZY and get 20% off your invites.

The Snazziest Adult Birthday Party Ideas

Here it is. The list you’ve been waiting for. Browse away and get inspired. And remember: you don’t have to do everything exactly as listed here. You can always take some of these ideas and make them totally your own. There are no rules here.


1. First things first… the invitation!

You’re an adult now, remember? Send real hold-in-your-hands party invites to take your birthday bash to the next adulting level.

Adult birthday party invitations can be anything you want. You’re all grown up now so you get to play by your own rules, remember? If you want to make your invites with a silly T-Rex on the front, then do it! Or if you want to combine a silly carefree feel with a bit more edge, how about this bright yellow invite with a hand lettered font by Erika Firm.


2. Champagne with a sweet twist

Who doesn’t love champagne? It’s classy and yummy. There’s something about the bubbly effect that brings out the kid in us. Why not add a little sugar cloud to give it a blush (and pretty) look. The best part about being an adult is eating all the sugar we want, isn’t it?

5af419c9ce585834e282ab60496bdc09from Kirbie’s Cravings

3. Go glam

Speaking of bubbly… If you’re going for a glam pop theme for your birthday party, then match your invites! This bold lettered invite is perfect especially if you’re thinking of serving those sweet champagne clouds!

(Pro tip: Postable will print, address and mail your invites for you so you can do all the adult things you have on your to-do list without sacrificing the sophistication factor.)

4. J-J-Jello shots

Ok, so who remembers loving jello shots in college? Anyone? Well, now that you have all the experience in the world, why not make your own jello shots that you actually like? Give the old recipe a makeover. How CUTE are these? a9bcf3e89c78ba783c499f922cd08ec9from the TipsyBartender

5. Get creative with your decor

Vases are so yesterday. Use ice cream cones for a fun twist in your decor… This way you have a little snack you can munch on later. Going with a pink theme? These would be perfect additions to any table setting or an ice cream bar. (Also, how much do you love the sprinkled rim of that plate?!?)4146f5c22c8122b34aed04e2f5e69a9bfrom glossedtheblog.ca

6. Funny cupcake toppers

You’re the star of this party. Make your own cupcake toppers and add your delightful smile to the party. The party hats are kind of a must. Get crafty and make them yourself with the help of your local printer and cutting machine or just order some from Etsy.
9178bd2583aa5ae3fb7a93ac3976bf00from Stay At Home Mum

7. Throw a dance party!

You can go all out by renting out a space or simply move the furniture and turn your living room into the hottest dance spot of the decade.

8. Balloons

Who said balloons can’t be classy? Make your own balloon garland and impress the heck out of your guests!

9. Fried tequila

Yes, you hear that right: fried Tequila… shot. A shot that is in a fried Tequila? We don’t really care how it works. It sounds epic. Fry responsibly 🙂


from LemonsforLuLu.com

10. Mimosa bar

Everyone loves brunch. Let’s face it, getting older means wanting so badly to stay inside after the sun sets. Get boozy during the day with all your friends and then you’ll even have some time to take a birthday nap! Total win-win.
946da1084f19741cd7785f06c2a8534afrom stylecaster.com

11. Pretty (& sufficient) lighting

Or really any lighting at all. The days of partying in the dark are over. People want to see (and hear) their co-party-ers. Whether you’re hosting your party outside or inside you can string up some lights for a beautiful setup.

12. Giant number balloons.

You made it this far in life, go ahead show off your new number. Use the giant balloons as decor accents, photo props, or just fun toys to carry around to make sure nobody forgot whose birthday it was.

13. Skip the candles and opt for some sparklers

A birthday party is incomplete without a birthday cake. With that said, you should do it your way; whatever that means. Instead of using a numbered candle — which of course is always an option — opt to use a sparkler or two instead. It’ll definitely create some more excitement and relieve you of your candle blowing duties (probably best these days anyway).

14. Letter balloons

Whether you’re going to spell out your name or just the ole’ fashioned ‘YAY’ — giant balloon letters will, without a doubt, add pizazz to your birthday party.
cd031a94acfad4b5a4efcf4022997ca1from UrbanOutfitters.com

15. DIY photo backdrop.

Holy smokes. You read that right. They’re adorable and will probably send you into a whirlwind sugar high, but the Instagram photos from these alone will be totally worth it. b01425101bbe5fa4fba0d02693b9a002from Cosmopolitan

16. Single letter candles.

Use letter candles to write something wise atop your birthday cake!268047f907623ba1e91caa8d9edc456ffrom asubtlerevelry.com

17. DIY decor on a budget

Decorating doesn’t need to be expensive. Spray paint + old bottles = chic vases.


from yahoo.com

18. Fairy lights

Use fairy lights and plants to add a little classy glow to your birthday party. How very adult of you.011e204c02307f0b044a89490e116d3efrom stylemepretty.com

19. ‘Lost Count’ cake topper

Of all the adult birthday party ideas, this one takes the cake. Get it?
2a25c62856ad210309736eaedbe00059from A Subtle Revelry

20 Boozy ice tea

Hosting your birthday party in the summer?! Check out these refreshing [and boozy] ice-tea recipes that will work wonders for a birthday BBQ or outdoor summer picnic.

21. Easy (and classy) recipes

Not sure what appetizers to serve now that you’re an adult and all? Want to look class AF? Checkout these easy recipes that will make you look super sophisticated

22. Think outside the cake-only dessert table

Want something other than the birthday cake to serve at your adult birthday soiree? Think cupcakes, donuts, sugar coated pretzels, cake pops, lollipops and whatever other sugar you’ve ever enjoyed in your life. A birthday cake is certainly not the end point.

23. The adult birthday piñata

A little boozy spin on the traditional candy piñata. Be sure to use plastic bottles (no need to clean up broken glass & booze in the middle of your party).

c1537c0ef777ad0b1cdc385f61ffe9f0from Buzzfeed

24. Have an on location birthday party

Who said birthday parties must be indoors? Nobody. Ever. While winter birthdays almost ensure that the party will be inside, you can definitely think outside the box. Throw a classy outdoor picnic or take the celebration to the beach!

Don’t forget to write those birthday Thank Yous!

You’re an adult now so writing thank you notes should be a natural next step. Be sure to thank everyone who gifted you with something special or helped make your birthday party just as you had imagined. Sending a hungover induced thank you text will definitely not do the trick. And while that hangover may have hit you hard and fast, writing thank you notes doesn’t have to hurt. You can mail all of your thank yous straight from your computer with Postable who can mail your thank yous for you. Go ahead, type em’ up while enjoying an ice cold bloody mary.



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