Paper Raven Co: An Exclusive Interview

We’re kind of obsessed with the talented artists that make up the Postable card collection and thought it only right to spend some time getting to know the lovely people behind the brands. We sat down (virtually, of course) with Erin McManness and got right to the point asking her some riveting questions to get the inside scoop behind her brand Paper Raven Co.

Paper Raven Co. is an Atlanta-based stationery brand created by Illustrator Erin McManness. Founded in 2015, the hallmarks of the Paper Raven Co. line include heavy doses of florals, a love for hand-lettering, nods to the natural world and sincere messaging. When Erin is not illustrating, she can be found perfecting her cooking skills, hiking with her family in the Georgia wilderness or reading true crime novels.

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What To Say In A Thanksgiving Card? 48 Thanksgiving Messages

Looking for some guidance on what to write in a Thanksgiving card? Thankfully (pun intended) you’ve found the right place! We’ve got everything from Thanksgiving message examples you can customize for yourself as well as tips on how to go about writing your Thanksgiving wishes — all the things to include as well as avoid!   

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Late Wedding Thank You Notes: Wording Examples & Etiquette


Are late wedding thank you notes weighing on you? Has this task been etched into your to-do list for months on end at this point? It’s ok, don’t be so hard on yourself! Life gets in the way — we totally get it. Mailing your wedding thank you notes in a timely manner — while important — is tough. The thing is, the folks who spent time, effort, and money on gifting you and your new spouse that special wedding gift still deserve a proper thank you note.

While not ideal, sending late wedding thank you notes is not as uncommon as you might think and it certainly preferable to no thank you notes at all.

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What To Write In Wedding Thank You Cards? 7 Tips And Wording Examples


Congrats, you successfully made it down the aisle! You survived the wedding planning madness, the family reunions and the stressful (and hopefully lovely) wedding day shenanigans. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you felt about all the planning) you’ve still got one wedding related task left…and it’s a doozy: writing your wedding thank you cards.

Before you find yourself falling into a frenzy of panic over having to write hundreds of thank you notes, we’ve got a simple step by step process for how to write wedding thank you cards with tips and message examples that’ll come in handy!

Table of Contents:

Who to send a wedding thank you to?
Wording examples for everyone on your wedding thank you list.
How to write wedding thank you cards in one sitting.
Common mistakes to avoid.
Choosing the right wedding thank you design.

Write all of your wedding thank you notes in minutes and Postable will mail them for you! (YES, we use real USPS stamps)

Let’s start this post off with one of the most important tips fro wedding thank you card wording that you’ll want to keep in your back pocket as you make your way gratituding it up all over the place. Remember, your wedding day would not have been nearly as special without the help of your loved ones. Your friends and family deserve a proper thank you–all 250 of them. They didn’t complain when you asked them to be present for cake tastings and flower showings. They didn’t moan and groan (we hope) during the wedding set up. Now it’s your turn to tell them just how much you appreciated their positive influence and energy during the whole process.

So no more procrastinating, let’s talk about what to write in wedding thank you cards and get these babies mailed. 

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Easy way to collect addresses for wedding (for free)

A wedding address collector is not the first thing you think of after the engagement ring’s initial debut. But collecting wedding guests’ addresses can easily become the bane of your wedding planning existence unless of course you have an easy little tool. Getting engaged to your forever partner in crime means an endless stream of congratulatory texts, Facebook messages and the periodic (and far more personal) congratulations cards. You may have chosen to plan an engagement party or kept the celebrations between just a select few (for now). Either way, the real planning hasn’t quite kicked off. 

To get the wedding planning started, one of the first pieces of the puzzle once you’ve narrowed down your wedding guest list will be to collect mailing addresses. Lucky for you, we’ve got an easy way to get addresses for your wedding! Actually, it’s likely the easiest part of your whole wedding planning process.

Easy to use. Private & secure. Oh and it’s absolutely FREE!

Before collecting addresses, you’ll need a guest list.

Collecting addresses is the easy part. But first, you’ll need a guest list.

Whatever the state of global affairs, we hope you’re taking the time to bask in all of your well-deserved-engaged-glory. And while you’re enjoying the endless flow of champagne and the sparkle of your shiny new ring, you may have started creating your mental guest list.

Before you can collect addresses, you’ll need to get that mental guest list down on some paper (or a spreadsheet). Once you’ve completed that, the hard part is over!

How to easily* collect mailing addresses from your guests.

While some aspects of getting started to plan your big day may be overwhelming, when it comes to how to collect mailing addresses for wedding invites, Postable makes it easy.

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26 Father’s Day Activities for Adults

Father’s day 2022 is fast approaching. June 19th will be here before you know it and you’ll want to be prepared to help make dad’s day extra special. Get ahead of the game by exploring fun Father’s Day activities that dad will actually enjoy. Planning ahead is always a good idea and we’re here to help make the process easier.

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7 Reasons Kids Should Send Thank You Cards (From the Experts)

a child at a desk

Should kids send thank you cards? It’s no secret that sending thank you cards is a task every adult should be doing. Writing thank you cards for occasions like weddings and baby showers is a must. Follow up thank yous for job interviews and birthday gifts, the practice of sending business thank you cards for things like referrals, as well as the occasional thank you note for a helpful hand– these are a constant in most adults’ lives. Does that mean the skill of writing thank you notes should be taught at an early age?

Kids pick the design and write the message while Postable prints, addresses, and mails them directly to recipients.

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13 Graduation Photo Ideas

Young Asian Woman Students wearing Graduation hat and gown, Garden background, Woman with Graduation Concept.


If you don’t have graduation photos, did you even graduate? You’ve worked hard to get here already, so we did the hard part and collected 13 graduation photo ideas you can use for your graduation announcements (because we know how exciting it is to make those). Being in the business of helping grads make their way into adulthood with ease (we’re all about adulting made easy here at Postable), we thought we could be of service.

If you’ve already started to browse the web for photo inspiration, you know that there’s no such thing as one size fits all for grad photos. You don’t have to follow any set formula or rule (this isn’t college algebra). Instead, we suggest you play with your graduation photo ideas so that they match your unique sense of style and personality. 

We’ve outlined some graduation photoshoot ideas with and without your formal grad attire as well as ideas for photos with and without your loved ones. Remember, play around with whatever suits you!

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19 Cute Greeting Cards For Kids We Love (You Will Too)

When did children’s cards get so darn cute? People, including kids, love the feeling of receiving personal snail mail (of the non-bill variety). Seeing an envelope with your name on it is an exciting moment. Why not share this glorious ritual with the kids in our lives? There are about a million reasons to send a card to someone (here are 67 reasons to get you started) and sending greeting cards for kids is no exception.

They’re people too, you know.

Greeting Cards For Kids

Sending cards to kids can be a great way to introduce them to the lifelong habit of writing proper thank you cards and can even play a role in helping kids practice to read (and write).

We’ve come up with some cards from Postable’s collection that you can send to the kids in your life and spread the joy!

Use code KIDCARDS for 20% off any of these delightful children’s cards!

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