Should You Send a Holiday Thank You Card?

The age old question — should you send a thank you card? Better yet, should you send a holiday thank you card? Once the holidays have come and gone and we’re left standing in the cold holiday-less dust. Winter is still here, but the Christmas tree is not. The remnants of the holidays can still be felt most strongly with the pile of gifts that we were so eager to open just weeks ago. Bringing us back to the question at the heart of this post — should you send a holiday thank you card? And something tells us you probably already know the answer.

Conception: Christmas. Making Christmas gifts. A man writes a letter Greeting cards to family and friends

Sending thank you notes is always a good idea; few exceptions apply. If someone did something for you, it never hurts to give them a sincere thank you note. If nothing else, it’ll brighten their day and more than likely surprise them. Thank you cards, despite being important, are often overlooked and forgotten.

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