What to Write in a Baby Shower Thank You Card

Stumped on what to write in a baby shower thank you card? Baby showers are a blast! Between the adorable gifts, heartfelt wishes, and those hilariously awkward baby games, there’s a lot to be thankful for. When it comes time to send out your thank you cards, why not add a little humor to the mix?

When it comes time to send out your thank you cards, let Postable make it effortless for you. With Postable, you simply type your heartfelt message, and we handle the rest. We print, address, and mail your cards, ensuring they look completely handwritten and personal. This way, you can focus on crafting the perfect, humorous thank you message without worrying about the hassle of mailing them yourself. Now, let’s dive into how to write a fun and memorable baby shower thank you card.

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11 Customer Appreciation Day Ideas You Can Use All Year Round

Show gratitude for your clients on Customer Appreciation Day –and beyond– with easy and effective customer appreciation ideas. In this guide you’ll learn not only how to thank your customers in effective ways to celebrate Customer Appreciation Day, but also how to incorporate these strategies into your overall customer experience to grow your retention and loyalty among your client base. Applying the tools for appreciation all year round will pay off in dividends.

You can go all out on Customer Appreciation Day, but don’t forget to continue expressing gratitude throughout the year. So go big (think Black Friday kind of big in terms of showing your gratitude) on that one day and then continue weaving appreciation into your customer interactions to really grow and sustain a loyal customer base.

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71 ‘Thank You Teacher’ Messages For Teacher Appreciation Cards

You’d be hard pressed to find a group of people more deserving of a sincere thank you note than the teachers. Thank you teacher messages should be sung from the rooftops, drawn on posters, and danced into Tik Toks everywhere. But more importantly, thank you teacher messages should be written in teacher appreciation cards on a routine and yearly basis (at minimum). Here at Postable writing and sending unique and personal thank you notes is a source of pride and joy. Just call us your friendly go-to thank you card experts. 

Though Teacher Appreciation Week is typically in early May, we think teachers deserve to be thanked throughout the year. That’s where this post comes in. Here you’ll get over 70 unique and thoughtful ways to say ‘thank you teacher’ along with tips on how to make your teacher appreciation card personal and sincere. There’s even a whole section dedicated to teacher quotes you can add into your message.

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What to Write in a Mother’s Day Card

Mother’s Day card messages may seem daunting especially if you’re not used to composing short heartfelt snippets – Twitter isn’t exactly the best source for expressing love. With that said, there’s nothing to worry about because we’ve got you covered with everything you’ll need to write the most delightful, loving, and dare-we-say whimsical Mother’s Day card messages of all time. To be honest, there’s a real simple ingredient to making this happen and so long as you have that one thing you’ll be good to go… Sincerity. Yup. Just be sincere when writing your Mother’s Day card messages and your card will be everything it needs to be and more. If that doesn’t exactly pave the way for you to get the job done, don’t worry because we’ve outlined in great detail what being sincere in your Mother’s Day card message looks like in practical terms.

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Birth Announcement Ideas: Wording, Samples & Photos To Inspire You

With a new baby on the way, it’s very likely that your to-do list has gotten increasingly longer over the course of the last few months (and steadily growing). Sending birth announcements is likely on that very to-do list. While mailing the cards is still in the future (gotta have the baby first) you’ve found your way to the web’s most comprehensive source for birth announcement ideas to get you inspired. Here you’ll find birth announcement wording ideas, real samples of design templates that are bound to melt your heart at first glance as well as newborn photo ideas that you can use for when your new bundle of joy makes their photo debut. Everything you need to know is right here so let’s dive in. 

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Late Wedding Thank You Notes: Wording Examples & Etiquette


Are late wedding thank you notes weighing on you? Has this task been etched into your to-do list for months on end at this point? It’s ok, don’t be so hard on yourself! Life gets in the way — we totally get it. Mailing your wedding thank you notes in a timely manner — while important — is tough. The thing is, the folks who spent time, effort, and money on gifting you and your new spouse that special wedding gift still deserve a proper thank you note.

While not ideal, sending late wedding thank you notes is not as uncommon as you might think and it certainly preferable to no thank you notes at all.

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What To Write In Wedding Thank You Cards? 7 Tips And Wording Examples


Congrats, you successfully made it down the aisle! You survived the wedding planning madness, the family reunions and the stressful (and hopefully lovely) wedding day shenanigans. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you felt about all the planning) you’ve still got one wedding related task left…and it’s a doozy: writing your wedding thank you cards.

Before you find yourself falling into a frenzy of panic over having to write hundreds of thank you notes, we’ve got a simple step by step process for how to write wedding thank you cards with tips and message examples that’ll come in handy!

Table of Contents:

Who to send a wedding thank you to?
Wording examples for everyone on your wedding thank you list.
How to write wedding thank you cards in one sitting.
Common mistakes to avoid.
Choosing the right wedding thank you design.

Write all of your wedding thank you notes in minutes and Postable will mail them for you! (YES, we use real USPS stamps)

Let’s start this post off with one of the most important tips fro wedding thank you card wording that you’ll want to keep in your back pocket as you make your way gratituding it up all over the place. Remember, your wedding day would not have been nearly as special without the help of your loved ones. Your friends and family deserve a proper thank you–all 250 of them. They didn’t complain when you asked them to be present for cake tastings and flower showings. They didn’t moan and groan (we hope) during the wedding set up. Now it’s your turn to tell them just how much you appreciated their positive influence and energy during the whole process.

So no more procrastinating, let’s talk about what to write in wedding thank you cards and get these babies mailed. 

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Easy way to collect addresses for wedding (for free)

A wedding address collector is not the first thing you think of after the engagement ring’s initial debut. But collecting wedding guests’ addresses can easily become the bane of your wedding planning existence unless of course you have an easy little tool. Getting engaged to your forever partner in crime means an endless stream of congratulatory texts, Facebook messages and the periodic (and far more personal) congratulations cards. You may have chosen to plan an engagement party or kept the celebrations between just a select few (for now). Either way, the real planning hasn’t quite kicked off. 

To get the wedding planning started, one of the first pieces of the puzzle once you’ve narrowed down your wedding guest list will be to collect mailing addresses. Lucky for you, we’ve got an easy way to get addresses for your wedding! Actually, it’s likely the easiest part of your whole wedding planning process.

Easy to use. Private & secure. Oh and it’s absolutely FREE!

Before collecting addresses, you’ll need a guest list.

Collecting addresses is the easy part. But first, you’ll need a guest list.

Whatever the state of global affairs, we hope you’re taking the time to bask in all of your well-deserved-engaged-glory. And while you’re enjoying the endless flow of champagne and the sparkle of your shiny new ring, you may have started creating your mental guest list.

Before you can collect addresses, you’ll need to get that mental guest list down on some paper (or a spreadsheet). Once you’ve completed that, the hard part is over!

How to easily* collect mailing addresses from your guests.

While some aspects of getting started to plan your big day may be overwhelming, when it comes to how to collect mailing addresses for wedding invites, Postable makes it easy.

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11 Summer Wedding Ideas NOT on the beach (With Bonus Tips)

So you want a summer wedding, but the last thing you want for your special day is a sandy aisle runner and the sound of waves muffling your vows. You’re not a beach babe and you’re not sorry. Well, you shouldn’t be. Beach weddings can be trickier than they sound (though we’re all on board with those who are up for the challenge). Luckily summer wedding ideas don’t always have to include the beach.

You’ve got your hearts set on the summertime to celebrate your love and get married while the entire family is out for the summer. And why wouldn’t you! Summertime is a glorious season to host the special day. You’ve got plenty of options — beach weddings are definitely not the only way to utilize the summer.

Summer wedding ideas that have nothing to do with the beach.

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29 Times When to Send Thank You Notes: Etiquette and Time Frame

Unsure of when to send thank you notes? Sending a personal thank you card is not reserved only for weddings and baby showers. We all know these special milestones typically call for formal thank you etiquette, but what about other times? Should you write a thank you note when someone gives you a random gift? What about after a check is handed to you at graduation? Better yet, should you write a thank you note when your neighbor steps in at the last minute when you’re stuck at work to walk your dog? All great questions and honestly, we can answer them with one simple word: yes. Yes, you should send a thank you note. It’ll rarely be a poor choice, however you don’t always *need* to. 

So how do you tell the difference? Below, we’ve listed out all the times when to send thank you notes is not really optional vs. when to send thank you notes is more of a nice gesture.

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