Although 2024 feels less apocalyptic than its predecessors, this year has certainly brought its own collection of challenges. For many people, 2024 has been a continuation of struggles from the recent years while brining a great deal of relief for others. In other words, it’s been weird. So what to write in a Christmas card?

The good news is that everyone is in this together, and with 2025 just around the corner it’s safe to say everyone on your Christmas list will be excited to welcome a new year and a new –even more optimistic– beginning. Christmas is a time to spread love and joy so writing your Christmas card greetings is actually a great opportunity to add a little positivity into your loved ones’ lives. Instead of seeing this as yet another hurdle to overcome, we’re choosing to view our Christmas wishes as tiny little presents to spark some joy. And we’ve made this into an approach that is easy as pumpkin pie so you know what to write in a Christmas card that will do the same for everyone on your list.
Did you know Postable has a bewitching selection of Christmas cards that they print, address AND mail for you?!
Jump to the example section of your choosing:
Example Christmas wishes for friends.Example Christmas wishes for family.
Example Christmas message for those far away.
Example Christmas message for those in difficult circumstances.
Message examples for professional relationships.
Funny Christmas card message examples.
Religious Christmas card messages.
General Christmas quotes.
Prepare to write your Christmas card greetings
Before we jump into exactly what to write in a Christmas card for 2024, let’s first outline some things you’ll want to do in advance. At Postable, the holiday season is our holy grail—we live, breathe and plan ahead for the holiday season all year round so that your experience is buttery smooth. The same concept applies here—planning ahead and organizing yourself before diving into writing your Christmas wishes card will make your experience that much more enjoyable.
So, how does one exactly get ready to write?
Organize your Christmas card list
Who do you want to send your Christmas cards to this year? Make a list. And yes, check it twice—but mostly check to make sure you have the correct mailing addresses. You’ll need those. Make sure you have the correct street, city and zip code. Also, double check to see if anyone on your list has moved recently (given the housing market and the remote work environment this is very probable).
Then, once you have your list ready to rumble with all the addresses completed, consider splitting up your list into groups. For example, if you’d like to send your professional contacts—think colleagues, business partners, employees etc.— a different holiday card from those of your friends and family, it’ll be easier to execute if your list is pre-split. This will also make writing your Christmas card greetings that much simpler.
Order your Christmas cards in advance (if you’re ordering a box of cards)
Remember, the postal service tends to slow down year after year during the holidays. Given the complexities of what’s going on with the postal service and the shipping situation in general right now, chances of delivery times slowing down even more are very high. The previous holiday seasons are perfect examples. Plan ahead!
What does this mean for you? Well, in order to write your short Christmas card messages you’ll need some cards. If you’re planning on ordering a box of them to get mailed to you first then you’ll need to plan enough time for that box to arrive, to write your messages, and to then place them in the mail with enough time for them to get delivered by Christmas.
Pro tip: You can write your Christmas cards directly on your computer (or phone) and Postable will mail — via USPS — your Christmas cards for you. Saving you a butt-load of time!
Create a jolly Christmas playlist
Ok, so not necessarily a required step, but one that we think makes the whole process of how to start a Christmas card and send it that much more enjoyable. We did say we love writing Christmas cards, right?
Before diving into the main task at hand, take a few moments to create a festive playlist with all of your favorite holiday tunes. Alternatively, you can find some playlists that are already made on Spotify.
This way, when you’re sitting down to write your Christmas wishes card you’ll be in a jolly state of mind!

Make some holiday themed adult beverages or mocktails
Again, we strongly believe this whole process should be fun! Whether you’re writing your short Christmas card messages by hand or via Postable, why not have a delicious holiday cocktail nearby. Whether eggnog is your jam or something along the lines of a Christmas mimosa, having that little touch of delight will certainly add to the experience. You may even find some extra holiday inspiration for what to write in a Christmas card.
Recruit some help — if writing Christmas card greetings by hand!
Unless you’re choosing to use Postable to write your Christmas cards with one of our smart handwritten fonts (because handwritten is a must), you’ll want to recruit some help. Handwriting all of your Christmas card greetings alone will take a significantly longer amount of time than if you’d just had a few handy helpers OR if you used Postable.
Remember, you’ll want to get your cards into the mail in time for them to be delivered, so the more help you have the quicker you’ll be able to get your cards out.

General tips on things to put in a Christmas card
Ok, so you’ve mapped out your Christmas wishes card list, the festive tunes are playing, and your holiday drink is in hand. You’re ready to get writing! Before we dive into some actual examples, here are a few tips to keep in mind for things to put in a Christmas card.
- Decide whether to address the hardships of 2022.
- Focus on the positive.
- Don’t forget to wish a very Merry Christmas.
Since everyone is in a very similar situation ignoring and omitting the struggles (and this can be anything from financial problems to physical or mental health) that many on your Christmas list may be experiencing may have the opposite effect. So when writing your Christmas letter, you may want to decide whether it is appropriate to address the 2024 elephant in the room without* dwelling on the negative. How in the world do you do this? Simply acknowledge the hardships that your friends and family may have experienced this year and immediately look to the positive future.
So, make sure you don’t forget to actually wish your recipients a Merry Christmas!
*Of course keep in mind the level of struggle that your recipient has experienced. If there was a loss in the family, you’ll want to make sure the tone of your message focuses on peace and love rather than total joy. This is where your personal knowledge will be crucial when composing your message.
Postable’s selection of Holiday cards will knock your stockings off! Postable can print, address and mail the cards for you!
Christmas wishes card examples for friends
Firstly, here are some examples of Christmas card greetings for friends you can use as your own. We’d definitely suggest switching out the details for something that applies to your own life.

1. Judy!
What a weird year! Is it me or are 2024 2023 & 2022 just estranged triplets? I hope you and your family are staying strong. I know we’ll get through this in one piece together. Most importantly, can’t wait to see pictures of Josh’s dance recital. We hope you and the family are enjoying some extra Christmas cookies this season (keep a lookout for a treat on your doorstep soon).
Amy & the Boise fam
2. Merry Christmas Gary!
First, your positive energy on your IG posts has been making the last few months of this year so much less sucky. Thanks for keeping everyone’s spirits up right now! Looking forward to your outdoor holiday brunch event (you can count on me for all the mimosas). Until then, I wanted to send you all my love and wish you a very Merry Christmas and cheers to a brand new stinking year!
Love ya!

Christmas card greetings examples for family
3. Johnsons,
Boy oh boy, what a year 2024 has been. We’ve had such a blast hanging out with you all these last few months at the community center. Looking forward to seeing you all at the next event. Sending you our love and all the merriest Christmas wishes around.
Love you all,
Alexis, Ted & the kiddos
4. Uncle Bob,
Sending you some extra love this Christmas season! It’s been so wonderful to continue our weekly FaceTime calls this year. The boys constantly talk about your knock-knock jokes and are excited to see you during the family gathering.
Merry Christmas!
Twyla, Mutt, Joey and Chandler
Example Christmas message for those far away

5. Aunt Patty & Uncle Chris,
We’re so sorry we couldn’t celebrate the holidays with you two this year. All of us are sending you an extra dose of hugs and kisses and the kids will be sure to eat an extra cookie or two with your names on them. Unfortunately, it will be a strange Christmas without you two, but we’ll certainly be making up for it in the coming year. Miss you both!
Merry Christmas,
Mary, Ken, Mia & Louie
6. Grandma & Papa,
Can’t wait to see you both and wish you a very Merry belated Christmas in person. Until then, sending you my love and planning our reunion for 2024. While Christmas this year may look a little different, just know that you’re in my thoughts and always in my heart. Merry Christmas!
Miss & love you!
What to write in a Christmas card for those in difficult circumstances.
Tip: Remember when we suggested putting your Christmas card list into groups? Use a different card for these folks. A design focused less on cheer or fun and more on peace and hope.

7. John,
Sending you and the fam all our love this Christmas. We are so looking forward to getting together around one of your epic bonfires this winter. Until then just know we’re thinking of you during this difficult time and sending you all the extra love and peace in the world.
Kevin & Joe
8. Wishing you both a peaceful Christmas season. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers during this time. Let us know if you need anything whatsoever. We’ll get through this together. Love you both.
Warmest wishes,
Phoebe & Mike
Short Christmas card messages for professional relationships
Please keep in mind that the formality level for these types of Christmas card greetings will vary depending on each individual situation. Each relationship is unique so please take that into consideration when composing your Christmas wishes card for your professional relationships.
Pro tip: Unless you know these recipients celebrate Christmas, it’s best to wish them something more general such as Happy Holidays or a Happy New Year in order to avoid isolating anyone and diluting your message.
Send really nice Business Holiday cards in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail the cards for you!
Christmas wishes card example for a boss
9. Mr. Bing,
Above all, thank you for showing extraordinary leadership during this strange and uncertain year. Your kindness and compassion has really made working from home feel productive and respectful. I hope you and your family enjoy the Holiday season and look forward to a great new year!
Happy Holidays!
Laura Rosenhein
Christmas card greetings example for employees
10. Happy Holidays!
What you have accomplished this year has been nothing short of extraordinary. You took a difficult situation and turned it into an opportunity to show kindness and support towards your team members and our valued customers. So. I wish you and your family a great holiday season and look forward to having you on our team in the coming year.
Season’s Greetings!
Christa Po
Holiday message example for business partners
11. Happy Holidays!
Thank you for your continued partnership during this strange and unpredictable time. Your collaboration is invaluable and your efforts to continue our work together has inspired myself and all those on my team. I hope you are able to take some time with family this holiday season and look forward to working with you in the new year!
Season’s Greetings!
Madison Gilkoo
Funny Christmas wishes card examples
Now, here are a few funny and short Christmas card messages to include in your holiday cards. If you’re looking for inspiration for a funny tidbit to include and aren’t jiving with any of these don’t forget that funny Christmas cards exist for a reason.
12. It’s the most wine-derful time of the year!
13. Keep calm and merry on!
14. Christmas is claus for celebration!
15. Sleigh-on!
16. Wishing you many pugs and kisses!
17. The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this Christmas.
18. Let there be Pizza on Earth!
19. And now we return to our normal Christmas messaging…
20. May your Christmas be tipsy and bright!
21. You seem like someone who’d send Christmas cards from their pet… Make sure I’m on their list.
22. Merry Christmas! Hope your tinsel isn’t in a tangle.
23. Looks like you made my nice list this year…
24. Bah Humbug!
25. Have a cool yule.
26. Meow-y Christmas!
27. Jingle, jingle! Now that I have your attention…
28. Happy howl-days!
29. Here’s hoping your holiday isn’t ruff!
30. All I want for Christmas is you…and a cocktail.
31. May your mistletoe lead to kisses and not chaos!
32. Hope your holidays are filled with cheer and good beer!
33. This Christmas, don’t forget to stay present and open presents.
34. Merry Christmas, even though you’re on my naughty list this year.
35. Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!
36. Hope your Christmas is lit!
Pop culture Christmas wishes for cards
Christmas wishes from movies
37. “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!” — “Home Alone”
38. “Merry Christmas, you old bag of bones!” — “Die Hard”
41. “You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.” — “Elf”
40. “Cheer up dude, it’s Christmas” — “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
43. “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.” — “It’s a Wonderful Life”
45. “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.” — “Miracle on 34th St.”
46. “For when the first snow is also a Christmas snow well, something wonderful is bound to happen.” — “Frosty the Snowman”
50. “Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” — “The Polar Express“
49. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” — “Elf“
52. “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe.” — “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
53. “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” — “A Christmas Carol”
Other pop culture Christmas quotes to use
39. “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” — Meredith Wilson
42. “A very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.” — “Happy Xmas (War is Over)”
51. “Christmas is a together sort of holiday.” — “Winnie the Pooh”
47. “Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” — Dale Evans
48. “I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being good to one another.” — Carrie Fisher
54. “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how faithful are thy branches.” — “O Christmas Tree”
55. “Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer. Fun for all that children call, their favorite time of year.” — “Christmas Time is Here”
Postable’s selection of Christmas cards will knock your stockings off! Postable can print, address and mail the cards for you!
Religious Christmas card messages
Looking for a religious quote to add to your Christmas card greetings? So look no further. Here are some examples of religious quotes you can add into your Christmas wishes.

56. “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.” —Pope Frances
57. “At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.” —Mother Teresa
58. “The great challenge left to us is to cut through all the glitz and glam of the season that has grown increasingly secular and commercial, and be reminded of the beauty of the One who is Christmas.” —Bill Crowder
59. “Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.” —Pope Francis
60. “A merry heart does good like medicine.” —Proverbs 17:22
61. “For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.” —Charles Dickens
62. “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” —Luke 2:10
63. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” —Luke 2:14
Postable’s selection of Religious Holiday cards can be printed, addressed, and mailed for you in minutes!
General Christmas quotes you can use in your Christmas wishes
Christmas is kind of popular — who knew! That means lots of people have said lots of interesting things about the holiday that you may feel inclined to add into your Christmas card message!

64. “Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” —Edna Ferber
65. “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” — Bob Hope
66. “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” — Calvin Coolidge
67. “Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” —Margaret Thatcher
68. “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” — Alexander Smith
69. “Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” — Theodor Seuss Geisel, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
70. “Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.” — Winston Churchill
71. “Christmas is forever, not for just one day. For loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away.” — Norman Wesley Brooks
72. “Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance—a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.” — Augusta E. Randel
73. “He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”— Roy L. Smith
Classic Christmas salutations for your season’s greetings
74. Happy holidays, fam!
75. Have a holly jolly Christmas!
76. Season’s greetings and warmest wishes,
76. Wishing you a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year!
77. May your Christmas be merry and bright.
78. Peace on Earth, good will to all!
80. May the joy of Christmas fill your heart and home,
81. Hope your Christmas sleighs!
82. Sending you love and warmest wishes this winter,
83. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and joy!
84. Cheers to the holidays!
85. Happy Xmas!
86. Peace out and Merry Christmas!
87. Sending you good vibes and holiday cheer,
88. Live, laugh, love, and Christmas!
89. Sending you some holiday cheer your way!
90. Let it snow!
91. Happy holidays to you and yours,
92. Merry Christmas
93. May your holidays be merry and bright!
94. Hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season.
95. Happy holidays! Stay warm and cozy.
What to Write in a Christmas Card as Warm Closings
Lastly, to close off your Christmas message, you’ll want to finish your season’s greetings with something warm and loving. When writing other types of greeting cards, we’d suggest being a bit more selective in your usage of ‘love’ as a signoff. However, Christmas is a special time of year where almost everyone could use a little extra love in their lives. This of course doesn’t mean you should use ‘love’ as a closing on your professional Christmas card messages.

Additionally, here are a few other examples of warm closings to your Christmas wishes card message:
96. Good tidings!
97. Season’s greetings
98. Warm wishes,
99. Merry Christmas!
100. Cheers!
101. Warmly,
102. Warm greetings,
103. Stay cozy!
104. Sending my love,
105. Wishing you the best
104. See you next year,
103. With all my heart,
104. Peace and love,
105. Best,
106. Talk to you soon,
107. Sincerely,
108. All my love,
109. Stay warm,
110. Excited to hear from you,
111. Enjoy the rest of your year,
112. Happy New Year!
113. Happy holidays!
114. Here’s to you!
115. Most importantly, I love you!
117. Give me a jingle!
118. Awaiting your Christmas card,
119. With all that being said, Merry Christmas!
120. Give all my love to the family!
121. Hugs and kisses!
122. Happy New Year!
123. Warm regards,
124. Yours truly,
125. Your friend,
Additional tips on things to put in a Christmas card:
Starting a Christmas message
You can start your Christmas message three different ways. The first way would be to start with a proper salutation like your recipient’s name followed by a comma, the second with a holiday greeting alone or the third by simply skipping the salutation altogether and diving straight into the message.
Have a message in mind before you start writing
Finally, have you ever started writing something and then completely lost your train of thought. Or just simply changed your mind about the direction of what you wanted to say… That’s essentially what’s going to happen if you don’t plan what you’re going to say ahead of time.
And don’t forget about the different groups of people on your Christmas card list — each of them not only require a different type of card, but also a different message.
PRO TIP: If you’re using Postable to write your Christmas cards, we’ve made it crazy easy to compose your Christmas wishes.
- You can edit and re-edit your message as many times as you want and the handwritten font of your choosing will change in size as you write so that it fits the inside of the card perfectly.
- If you need to add the same message to a bunch of people in a group, like your professional contacts for example, you can use the carbon copy tool which will automatically apply your master message to everyone you choose while still personalizing each message with the recipients’ names. You can then go back into each message — if you so choose — to edit and personalize further.
That’s all she wrote! By which we mean, you’re now ready to get started on writing your Christmas card greetings to everyone on your recipient list. And remember, if you’re looking to save time and your sanity — Postable will print, address, stuff and mail all of your cards out for you.
Send really nice Holiday cards in minutes. Postable will print, address and mail the cards for you!