This month we took some time to chat with another one of our amazing artists: Laura Bercovich is a graphic designer and illustrator from Scottsdale, Arizona. She loves creating modern cheerful art, beautiful custom invitations, and greeting cards with clever designs and playful puns.
1. What’s your favorite book?
I should probably list something more intellectual here, but if I’m being honest, the Harry Potter series B-)
2. Favorite movie?
My cousin Vinny. Always hysterical. And Marissa Tomei is *an entire mood* the whole movie.

3. Favorite TV show?
It’s a toss up between Weeds and Parks & Recreation. Currently loving Ted Lasso.
4. Favorite song?
Imagine by John Lennon.
5. Favorite food?
This is hard! I’m currently pregnant and loving allllll the food. Truffle pasta is top of the list. Pizza is always a favorite too, and I’m happy with pretty much any topping, (and I’m about to get controversial here but) even pineapple. Pregnancy cravings have included sour gummies, chow fun, and indian food.
6. Drink of choice?
Latte or Sauvignon Blanc depending on the time of day. (I miss you, wine!)
7. Go-to karaoke song?
Umm no.
8. When did you realize you wanted to be a designer?
I went to school for Public Relations and had a PR internship at the JCC one summer when I was asked to design a couple flyers for events. I had no idea what I was doing, but realized it was my favorite part of the job. I decided from there to change paths and pursue design.
9. Did you go to design school or teach yourself?
I went to the Academy of Art in San Francisco.
10. If you had to describe your style with only three words what would they be?
Simple, joyful, silly.

11. When did you start your company?
I started freelancing in 2010, but I didn’t really start licensing my work or selling goods online until 2016. I launched an Etsy shop in 2018 and then launched my own website shopmodernmitzvah.com in 2020 – it’s a niche site for Judaica, but I also design for all holidays and events through laurabercovich.com.
12. Where is your studio located?
Scottsdale, Arizona in my small home office.
13. What’s your favorite card of yours on Postable?
I think my new Christmas card “A for Effort” is my favorite design right now. It’s a playful design for those who maybe didn’t make “the nice list” this year. It seems like we could all use a little humor and slack for the year we’ve just had 🙂

14. What artists, past or present, inspire your work?
I love some of the legendary artists like Monet, Matisse, Saul Bass, and Milton Glaser but am also inspired by some of the more contemporary designers like Jessica Hische and Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co.
15. If you had to choose a spirit animal what would it be and why?
Maybe a dog? I just want to be goofy and nap.
16. When was the last time you laughed really hard and why?
My three year old daughter likes to play this game in the car where she asks “what!?” and I respond “what!?” and we do that back and forth until she explodes into a fit of laughter. It is total nonsense, but her giggles are so cute and always crack me up.
17. How would you spend your dream Saturday?
Biking, reading, napping, and splurging on a fancy meal out with family or friends. A day at the beach or the lake sounds nice too.

18. If you weren’t allowed to work for 12 months, what would you do?
Travel Europe, visit family, read books, exercise, take art classes…any combination of these sounds wonderful.
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Probably Italy. I studied abroad in Florence for a year and miss that lifestyle. And the pasta! Oh God, the pasta.
20. Was this questionnaire too long?
No, not too bad!