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Housiversary and Home Anniversary Cards

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Housiversary and Home Anniversary Cards | Mailed For You

  • What is a Housiversary?

    Housiversary is a fun word to describe the anniversary of the day a home was purchased or moved into. Every client you've helped purchase a home has their very own housiversary!
  • Why send home anniversary cards?

    This anniversary -- aka housiversary -- marks a huge commitment in a persons's life and is not only a lovely way for homeowners to celebrate an important milestone, but is also the perfect time for realtors to touch base with their old clients. What better time to remind your past realtor clients of your services than on the anniversary of the day you made their home dreams come true?! Wish them a 'Happy Housiversary' while planting the seed of your services for their needs in the future.
  • What to write in a housiversary card?

    As with any other type of card you send to your realtor clients, there are a few key guidelines that your message should abide by.

    • Keep the message short and to the point.
    • Make your housiversary message personal.
    • Send the card on time.

    Avoid going off on tangents and making your housiversary message forever long. Remember, your clients have limited time (and limited attention spans). Keep your message short, sweet, and to the point.

    Though it may seem like a good idea to just copy and paste a general housiversary message template and click send, don't do it! You want to make your short and sweet message as personal as possible. You can remind your clients of a special moment in choosing their home or maybe remind them of the day they closed on the property. You can mention something about them personally. For example, if you remember them talking of ways they looked forward to using their new backyard. Keeping short notes about each client in a folder somewhere can give you ideas on something personal to include in your correspondence. These little touches will go a long way in strengthening your client relationship which is the whole point of sending these housiversary cards in the first place.

    Last, but absolutely not least: send your home anniversary cards on time. You want your card to reach your clients as close as possible to the anniversary of their home purchase to really make an impact. Because snail mail is not email (and thank goodness for that) give your card about a week to arrive. If it comes a little early or a little late, that's fine -- just make sure it's not a month behind.