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modern photo graduation party invitation

Graduation Party Invitations

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Graduation Party Invitations

  • Unique graduation invitations for every grad!

    Every level of academic success deserves celebrating. Whether your graduate is bringing home a high school diploma or a doctoral degree, there are unique graduation party invitations for every type of grad in this collection. These graduation invitations have designs for high school, college and post graduate grads.

    For example, if your grad has completed high school they may lean towards a design that's more playful compared to a grad that has completed their undergraduate or post graduate degrees. You can taylor any design to meet your needs.
  • How do I make a graduation party invitation?

    Compared to arduous studying making a graduation party invitation is a piece of cake (which we hope you'll be having lots of at your graduation party)!

    Simply select the graduation party invitation template that speaks to you and follow the prompts. You'll be able to enter your own grad party details like time and date as well as other wording on the design template. You can even upload a photo to some of these invites so your graduation photos will get some extra use.

    Making your graduation party invitations should be stress free so if you start making a design and decide it's just not for you, simply go and pick another one. You can create as many versions as you'd like!
  • How long before a graduation party should you send invitations?

    Your graduation party invitations should be placed in the mail about 3-4 weeks prior to your party. This gives the USPS about a week (max) to deliver your invites and another two weeks for your guests to make plans.

    You don't want to cut that time down much further. Giving your guests about 2 weeks to make arrangement to attend your graduation party is important. If you leave sending your grad party invites until the last minute, you risk the chance of having your guests not be able to attend. Some people may need to make special arrangments with their jobs, childcare or any other personal matters that you may or may not be aware of.

    On the other hand, mailing your graduation party invitations too early (more than 4-5 weeks in advance) increases the chances of guests simply forgetting about the event.

    If you like to get things done ahead of time, but don't want to risk your guests forgetting, you can always schedule the mailing of your grad party invites. Once you've created your card design and entered all the relevant information, simply use the scheduler tool in the cart prior to checkout to delay the mailing of your graduation party invites.
  • What should graduation party invitations say?

    Just like any other invite, make sure your graduation party invitations have the most important information readily available. This includes the following:

    • 'Honoring' GRADUATE NAME
    • Date
    • Time (including the end time if there is one)
    • Location (with specific address and venue name if applicable)
    • RSVP contact information
    • RSVP due date

    Other optional things you can say on your graduation party invitations:

    • School of the grad
    • Graduating Year
    • Degree Acquired
    • "join us"

    When you choose any one of the grad invites in this collection, the templates will all have the required information so all you have to do is fill them in with your own graduation party invitation details.
  • Do you put RSVP for your graduation party?

    Typically, yes. You want to get an idea of who is attending your party by a certain date so the proper arrangements can be made. To make that happen, your guests will need to RSVP.

    Simply add the RSVP 'by' date along with contact info (email or phone number) on your party invite.