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Graduation Announcements

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Graduation Announcements

  • Unique graduation announcements designed by independent artists.

    You did it. You studied hard and now you're getting ready to graduate. You should be beyond proud. Making it through any level of education to move onto the next (whatever 'next' is for you) is no small feat and one that should definitely be shared with everyone you care about. Go ahead shout your accomplishments from the roof tops and through the mail with your graduation announcements.

    Your graduation announcements should be just as unique as you are so go ahead and browse this unique selection. Each one of these designs were created by one of Postable's incredible independent artists who live, breathe, and dream good design. Many of these announcement templates allow you to use your own photo (hello graduation photos!) or skip the photo and just make it classy with lovely typography. Either way customize to your heart's desire.
  • How do I decide on the right graudation announcement for me?

    Unsure how to choose the right graduation announcement that's right for you? No problem. Whether you (or your loved on) has graduated from highschool, college, or even a post-graduate level program any one of these unique graduation announcements could work for you. This is where the customizability of each one of these templates comes in handy. You'll be able to customize the school's name and any relevant program information within the template to make it right for you.

    Other things to keep in mind when choosing the right graduation announcement:

    • The grad's preferences and personality.
    • Photo or no photo?
    • Flat grad announcement vs. Postcard

    The graduate
    This might sound obvious (especially if you're the one graduating), but before you get started on choosing the right announcement consider the personality and preferences of the grad. Are they the type to prefer a lot of color or vibrance? On the other hand are they more reserved and likely to prefer a classic look? Or is the graduate somewhere in the middle? Whatever the preferences may be, just keep them in mind when you're browsing the designs.

    To use a photo or not to use a photo... That is the question!
    Next thing to consider is whether or not you want to use a photo (or even multiple photos) on your graduation announcement. Graduation announcements are a great place to share those spectacular graduation photos! If you're certain either way, you can easily filter the selection by photo templates or non-photo templates. Whatever you need to do to make your life easier, we're here for it.

    Flat card vs. Postcard
    Next and final consideration will be what type of card you'd like your graduation announcement to be. If you choose to send a flat card, you'll have the option to add multiple additional photos on the back (hello baby pictures!) as well as a number of different layouts with text. The flat card will then be placed into a nice envelope. On the other hand, a postcard will be sent without an envelope and have fewer options for customizations on the back (you gotta put your addresses there after all).

  • Can I use these announcements for my highschool graduation or college?

    Because these graduation announcements are so darn easy to customize you can use them for any accomplishment regardless of the level of education. Just customize the template to have your school name regardless of whether it is a highschool or college (or even a graduate level program).
  • World class print quality!

    Here at Postable we're obsessed with few things and print quality is definitely one of them. We use world-class digital printing to make sure your graduation announcements are the best in class.
  • What's the difference between graduation announcements and grad party invites?

    Unlike graduation party invitations, graduation announcements do not invite your friends and family to any specific event. They simply serve as a formal announcement. You did a big thing, so go ahead and brag a little.

    On the other hand, if you're hosting a graduation party sending grad party invites will provide your guests with all the required information (when, where, etc).
  • What should graduation announcements say?

    You want your graduation announcements to serve the purpose of sharing the great news without getting into the nitty gritty details. A graduation announcement should be pretty simple and will have the following information:

    • The graduate's name
    • Some mention of 'the graduate' or 'graduating' OR simply 'class of Xyear'
    • The school name (and the program title if there is one)

    Additionally you can include any information of continuing education institutions. If you're graduating high school, you could include the name of the college you plan to attend for example.
  • When should graduation announcements be sent out?

    Unlike graduation party invitiations that should definitely be sent 2-3 weeks prior to the party, graduation announcements can be mailed anywhere from 2-3 weeks before graduation to up to 2 months after the graduation itself.
  • Who should I send the announcements to?

    You did a big thing. Go ahead and share the great news with everyone important in your life. That doesn't include your 5th grade teacher or your old neighbors with whom you used to play driveway basketball with.

    Share your graduation announcements with those people you consider to be in your 'circle.' If you wouldn't send them a holiday card, then you probably shouldn't send them a graduation announcement either. The graduate should have a relatively close relationship with the recipient or atleast be able to recognize them in person.
  • How do I make a graduation announcement card?

    When you're getting ready to graduate it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the celebratory elements that have to do with this time of your life. But not to worry. We got you covered. Mailing out graduation announcements is a formal way to let everyone in your life know that you've accomplished something spectacular.

    The easiest part of your academic achievements will be creating your graduation announcement card. Trust us. All you have to do is select the template that tickles your fancy, upload your own photo (if you're using a photo template), enter your personal details (like where you're graduating from) and that's it! We told you it's easy.

    Once you've made your announcement all you have to do is enter the mailing addresses of those you'd like to share the big news with. Don't worry, you don't have to manually write out every address. If you have a spreadsheet of addresses you can simply import the spreadsheet. If you don't have a spreadsheet, no problem! Simply send your unique Postable link to those whose address you'd like to collect and let Postable's magic (and free) address book take care of the rest. Your friends and family will fill out a form and their addresses will securely appear in your address book. Easy Peasy.

    Once the card is made and your contacts are entered all you have to do is click send. Postable will print, address, and mail all of your announcements for you. Voila!